Background & Rationale
The Impact of Seizures as
A Neurologic Disorder
Seizures are sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain.
Seizures can present behavior changes, movements or feelings, and altered consciousness and prolonged seizures can lead to death.
Epilepsy or recurrent seizures affect 50 million people worldwide and seizures that occur in hospitalized patients are not necessarily accompanied by physical convulsions and up to 92% of seizures in the ICU are clinically silent.
Diagnosing Seizures with an Elecroencephalogram (EEG)
Standardized EEG electrode placement on scalp
Five second epoch of a live patient EEG recording
showing a seizure
•An EEG can detect the abnormal surges of electrical activity during a seizure but requires medical experts and real time interpretation1
•Availability of trained personnel and cost limit the ability of medical personnel to interpret EEG results
•Delay in reporting can lead to worse neurologic outcomes
Main Objective
Our main objective of this research was to devise a more efficient method for analyzing EEG data using machine learning modeling algorithms that allow for complex data processing and can accurately classify seizure activity.